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Here to please your eyes and give a modern experience while reading. Sonnets are Shakespeare's most popular works and have become one of the most widely read poems in English literature. He was one of the most popular playwrights of his time and his dramatic influence is still evident today. Shakespeare's sonnets are said to be Breathtaking. These are sometimes annoying, and sometimes have to be surprised and their meanings are elusive. As a sonnet, their main theme is ‘love’. The sonnets were probably composed and revised in the early 1590s and probably between 1605. Shakespeare's sonnets consist of 14 lines and four steps. The first three steps are four lines, and the last step is two lines. This sonnet form and rhyme project is known as ‘English’ sonnets. Shakespeare's sonnets are considered a continuation of the tradition that flowed from Petrarch to the Renaissance in 14th-century Italy. Sonnets between 1 and 126 show the life of a young man. Reading 127 to 152 it would seem that a woman is addressed, the so-called ‘Dark Lady’ of Shakespeare’s legend. This woman is elusive, often oppressive, and gives the speaker dreadful pain and shame.
William Shakespeare's The Sonnets: From Original Book | Kindle Create Formatting | 5" x 8" | Black ink and 90 GSM cream paper | Illustrated | Responsive features.
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